“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken.”

C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves

Trinity School’s clarity and consistency concerning our philosophy of education will help provide your child with an unparalleled learning experience.

Grounded in the Christian tradition and borrowing from many elements of classical education, the school has a clear vision for the role of education in the life of human beings. We believe human beings were created to discover the truth, to practice goodness and to create beauty-and not merely to know but to love.

This vision shapes everything your child will experience and the kind of learner he or she will become.

For more information, follow the links below.

The Essence of Education: Human Awakening

At Trinity, your child won’t be introduced to “school as usual,” but to an experience of human awakening. Human awakening is the joyful experience of coming more fully alive to the world around us and the world within ourselves.

The Aim of Education: Truth, Beauty and Goodness

Trinity School’s motto–Verum, Bonum, Pulchrum–is Latin for “Truth, Goodness, Beauty.” But this is more than a motto, it is a way of life.

The Process of Education: Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric

At Trinity School, each element of our curriculum moves through the classical stages of a liberal arts education traditionally knowns as the trivium. These stages (grammar, logic and rhetoric) describe a basic structure of learning that any student must follow in order to master a discipline.

The Means of Education: Our Three Modes of Instruction

Different occasions call for different modes of instruction. At Trinity School, your child will experience learning through a careful blend of didactic instruction, coaching and questioning.

The Outcome of Education: Life in the Community of Learners

Human beings were not made to be alone. Children as well as adults thrive when they are involved in meaningful work with one another. So education at Trinity School is designed to take place within a genuine community of learners. The ability students gain to solve real-world problems through collaboration and dialogue is valuable for future pursuits in academics, business and politics. Even more importantly, it is vital for life.