The faculty spotlight is on Miss Morin!

The faculty spotlight is on Miss Morin!

Q: What subjects are you currently teaching?
A: I am currently teaching 9th grade Precalculus, 8th grade Music and Senior Math.

Q: What is a book that you love or are currently reading?
A: I have been really excited about everything C.S. Lewis of late. A friend recommended the Space Trilogy to me over Christmas which I absolutely could not put down. Fit for children or adults, the trilogy recounts the story of a man who unintentionally ends up on another planet and whose whole life and purpose is transformed by this experience. Asking questions of what it means to be human, what it means to be alive, what sort of ramifications our actions have on the world and on history and questioning our assumptions of reality, the series was both a pleasure to read and profoundly thought-provoking. It was furthermore a great launching point from Lewis’ fiction into his memoirs and reflections. I found “Surprised by Joy” and “A Grief Observed” equally captivating and am still on the Lewis trail with “The Abolition of Man.” I find it utterly charming how Lewis folds weighty theological truths into his fictional and his manner of reflecting in his autobiographical works strikes me also as quite compelling. If you haven’t read Lewis’ “The Chronicles of Narnia,” I’d recommend starting there!

Q: What hobbies do you have?
A: I am a linguaphile and love to spend time immersed in Spanish or French literature and film. It’s fascinating to me how language mirrors culture, and it brings me great joy to puzzle out what someone is trying to say to me across those languages and cultures. I can’t even count the number of strange sentences I’ve thought I’ve heard only to realize that switching out one word for another brings the whole encounter into focus.
Otherwise, I love to ice skate, knit and crochet, do puzzles, play board games, or engage in music-listening, making, composing, you name it! I’m currently attempting to learn to chant the psalms!