The annual Medieval Banquet for eighth grade was held on Friday, April 14th. Students dressed in medieval attire and were ushered before the king and queen to formally announce themselves before sitting down to an extravagant feast, served by parent volunteers who were also in costume. Eighth-grade parents prepared a spread of delicious themed food, including a pig’s head, castle and dragon cakes, and edible mice and ships. During lunch the king and queen gave speeches and made their rounds, addressing their guests and inviting some to say a few words. Unfortunately, some of the guests found themselves serving time in the stocks before the meal was over, but were released in time to participate in the next activity: a lesson on falconry taught by a local expert on the subject. Students ended the day by attending a trade fair, where they shared a variety of their own handmade wares. As always, this was an incredibly fun and memorable day for our eighth graders. Thank you to all the faculty, staff, and parents who worked hard to carry on this special tradition.